inspiration in the ordinary
it comes in the spaces in conversation
the words left unsaid
the achingly precious moments
within my fingertips at the same moment they slip away
the change that happens over time without my realization.
it comes when I return home
where I notice my mother in my intentionality and compassion
my father in the way I laugh and take myself less seriously
my grandmother in the way I want to give away.
it comes from an ever-expanding definition of home
no longer buildings and walls
but the arms of my mother when I return home
reunions with friends
and the warmth of knowing love.
it comes at the end of the year revelations
recognizing all the moments I overlooked because of fear
or a feeling of inadequacy
it shows itself in the realization that I must be more present
more bold
more loving
it reminds me that I must not miss my own life.
inspiration breathes more fully when I am present
not holding tightly to the qualities I do not possess
not picking myself apart in the mirror
not dwelling on all that i lack.
inspiration is built into my life
even when i lament its absence
it is the whisper waiting
a loved one’s smile
a reminder of my grandma’s generosity.
it waits around every corner
curls into my laughter
reminds me that life is beautiful
it is the joy of knowing there is always something to celebrate.