The Inescapable Metamorphosis
Stereotypical caterpillars emerge from their standardized cocoons
So beautiful is the process to the outsiders that see the before-and-after pictures
But what we don’t know about the caterpillar is how it feels amidst this chaos
Do some caterpillars crave the adrenaline of the wind beneath their wings
Do they long for the unique perspective of an eagle?
Or do some caterpillars resist this cocoon that seems to suffocate them?
Do they fight stubbornly in hopes that their lives can remain comfortably familiar?
Perhaps they were perfectly content chewing on the leaves of yesteryear.
Why must they be forced to undergo this dramatic change in their being?
If they’re aware of the changing process, they must watch in wonder
Their bodies melt and shape as necessary to take flight
If it were me, I would watch in horror and sadness
Surely some watch the inescapable metamorphosis unfold with excitement
I envy them
Instead, I stare out at the world as I internally weep
The sadness of leaving the world behind and knowing I cannot return is too great
Quietly, I allow the change
And for the last time,
My elementary school bus leaves the world I knew behind
Around the bend lives an existence that couldn’t be further from my own
I cannot live in the limited space of the cocoon any longer
It begins to break, and it hurts a little
This suffering, I know, will refine me for the better
It is necessary and unstoppable
And with a deep tear in the veil that once held her back
The stereotypical butterfly emerges bright and beautiful
A new creature whose tears have been worth it