The Inducers of Innocence
One's view is the basis for reality
It's the basis for most standards
The idea of Innocence is not alienated from this basis
Innocence has a fraternal twin
However one is an entirely different paradox than the other
Both have different meanings
Ignorance is an unmistakable absence of knowledge
Innocence is a shield from experience
Shielding not only experience but knowledge, as well
Innocence's defenses are causing ignorance
Evoking the authority to induce ignorance as a form of protection
But those who induce are truly the ignorant beings
Ignorance is not protection
Innocence and ignorance are not friends
Ignorance is a hindrance
How can one properly acquire innocence through ignorance?
Or do we give in?
Do we allow the "inducers" to gouge out our eyes?
"What you cannot see, cannot hurt you."
Say this to the fumes on which I breathe
Say this to those I turn my head from that continue to butcher my being
Tell this heresy to he who prowls for his next victim
They may blind me from many endeavors
But they cannot blind me from myself