Today is the day
where the motherland
is finally free
the land that suffered many things
where people sacrificed to save this holy land
from the horror, the devastation
the land that has kept us together
where all of us are together as one
the land that has a colorful sky
the land that lights up the ground to the sky
where it celebrates the creators
everyone of different castes come together
to honor the them
thy are thankful for showering their love as droplets
the soil that grows thicker and thicker
the land that make us her own
makes us feel at home
the land where the gangas the yamuma flows
66 years finally passed
in these years we mored, we cried, we celebrated
as time passed this motherland has kept us together and will forever
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This poem is beautiful. OMG.
I love how you integrated the love for the land and eath into this poem.
in some societies we are programed to forget to bless the land with our grace and meditations,
but you were able to put that in a poem.
"the land that make us her own
makes us feel at home
the land where the gangas the yamuma flows"
(these lines are my favorite. I was able to get a sense of
the culture deeper. this is an example of the power of your
language and love.)
continue to post poems because your voice is needed and loved.