How do you describe it?
Is it like being the lyrics to a song?
This musical feeling overcoming you?
Are you suddenly engulfed in symphonious feelings?
Harmonic, or mellifluous, melodic, too?
As you crescendo in the accelerando,
a cadence, a dazzling, dizzying dance,
the maestro orchestrating this music?
I guess that's one way to describe it.
Sixteenth notes or whole notes just powder onto your skin,
like when you get that rush of coolness
eradicating throughout your body.
It's chilling, but that doesn't do it justice.
Maybe it's more like being an artist's canvas,
and how a kaleidoscopic feeling paints over you.
How you're splashes of color,
a mosaic of a rainbow,
a portrait of iridescent hues.
Is it like an artist grazing your skin with a paint-dipped brush?
Your toes start to curl, and the paint cracks
by the edges of your smile
and the crinkling of your love filled eyes.
And yet, that's still not the right way to say it.
How can you put words to it?
Is it like a dream maybe? Phantasmagorical?
Is it this celestial, heavenly type of thing?
Is it paradisaical, if that's even a word?
I guess you can say it's chimerical,
slightly mystical, and just a little bit intangible – maybe?
Could you say it's whimsical?
What about angelic? Lulling and breathtaking,
sensational, unearthly? Is it slightly demonic?
Maybe it's delectably demonic.
But that's a way to put it, you know?
I guess it could be like being on fire, right?
Blazing embers through your body.
But that's kind of what life is like, though.
Or could you say it's more like being frozen?
Frost biting at the hair on your skin. Maybe it's both.
Maybe this ice burns or this fire freezes,
a flame caught in snow. Icicles freezing in Hell maybe.
But really – do you think words can even explain it, though?
It's's driven from the cosmos.
Like a shooting star,
or as if the constellations were singing sweet words to you,
humming a slow susurrus right into your thoughts.
It's an astral experience,
like your mind is eclipsed form everything else on this Earth.
Imagine being able to swim through space,
not having to worry about your breath,
for its already caught in your throat, as you gasp
at this exhilarating rollercoaster of emotion.
Everything is cosmogyral
and you're suddenly bewildered
by the supernova of what you're experiencing.
It's something just so beautiful, completely ineffable.
Wonderful words can't even match to how it feels, because that's what it is.
It's a feeling, a feeling.
And it's indescribable.