You say you aren’t important
as if you have to mean something.
As if simply your existence isn’t enough
to satisfy your search for a purpose.
Because, let me tell you,
your very existence makes me happier
than you can even begin to imagine,
and I’m sure many others
feel the same.
I wonder, who taught you to believe that
you weren’t important?
Who convinced you that you
weren’t enough for this world?
I know it’s silly and selfish
to claim that you should stick around
merely for others’ happiness, because
your self-worth should be based
on other things,
But I can’t seem to find any other way to
tell you how you improve my life
just by being in it,
or how you fill me with a certain joy
and excitement I can’t explain,
and how I really don’t want that
to go away.
I don’t want you
to go away.