Even when I die
My voice shall cry
Immortalized through
The mind`s eye
Even if I rot
You will not forgot
You will hear my poetry
More than the ticking of the clock
I shall live, and live on
I shall give, and give on
Immortalized through poetry
As my words and I are one
Me, you will remember
January to December
Through autumn, spring
Summer or winter
I shall be alive
Each time my poetry is read
I shall be revived
Then shall you know that I
Have been immortalized
Printed upon the pages of time
My words are divine
Ink that will never fade
Between the covers of books
Treasured by the intellects
Immortalized in a place
No one will forget
My body may have perished
And become one with the earth
But each time you open a book
It will have been my rebirth
Page by page you turn
Age by age you grow
Generation after generation will know
Not only my name
But my very soul
Will be immortalized in their thoughts
In the hearts of those who
Shall revere me
I live on for eternity