I'm Seventeen, Not Seven
I surely must be mad
Or out of my God damn mind
Because I’m going to bring to your attention
What I’m thinking at this time
The class is called “Child Psychology”
We’re here to learn their psychological ways
So please give me ten good reasons
Why I feel like I’m in the third grade
Pipe cleaners! Glue sticks!
And colored papers galore!
After class you wouldn’t release us
Until we picked up the floor
I’m seventeen, not seven,
So you must be fucking insane
To think I would want to waste my time
Making an educational board game
You’re sweet and you’re young,
So we’ve cut you some slack
But since we made paper bag turkeys for Thanksgiving
I’m asking for it back
I’m not maturing, I’m not learning
I’m getting more pissed off each day
Because I simply do not understand
The ridiculous things you say
“Power clap”, “Classroom norms”,
“Don’t read ahead”, “Don’t talk”, “Don’t touch”
Why not actually teach third grade
Since you want to boss us around so much?
How are we supposed to mature
And learn how to act older
When you’re constantly and unceasingly
Looking over our shoulders
I see what you’re trying to accomplish,
I really, truly do
But I‘d probably learn more about child psychology
If it weren’t taught by you