I'm Mine
I lived alone.
Not a soul nearby,
I could cry and scream
and nobody would hear a thing.
I thought that was life.
That was all.
But you made me realize how small
my imagined world really was,
and I gave you my all.
Now you say 'forever'
like it's just another word,
like I should have heard it all before.
But you don't understand how it pours
hope and love into me,
how it starts my old-engine heart
that hasn't run in this part of a century.
You say I'm yours,
but what if I want to be mine?
I'm so tired of all the "poor her"s
that follow the line of my confusion.
I need you to be fine
but I need to be mine.
It's an awful dance
we swing and fall into a trance
when we are so close our eyes
can no longer focus enough to see
the lies we tell to be fine.
Then we push away,
break the stare holding us there,
we fight the glare our light gives off
and we see.
It all starts again,
but not this time.
Back then I would have said yes
but now I want to be fine so I'm saying
I'm not yours,
I'm mine.