I'm Interested

I won't let you know that I'm interested.
No, its not a game that Im playing
I just get all tongue tied when I'm around you
My lips twitch and tremble
My words play chicken on my tongue
Dancing on the tip of it before retreating into my throat out of fear of committing emotional suicide.
My heart does mini somersalts inside my chest and the butterflies go on a rampage
Unfortunately your presence makes every part of my body go into full on awkward mode
Meaning i can't speak correctly to you
Meaning I can't let you know that I'm interested.
My thoughts play word jumble and reenact the lebotomies of all the women before me
So that a clutter of senseless lava can erupt from my throat and spill forth from my mouth.
Lips poised for witty comebacks and flirtatious statements
You can imagine my surprise when stuttering idiocy comes forth instead.
I promise I'm not always like this
You just do the impossible to my nervous system.
Excuse my incessant hesitancy
I'm just a girl who prefers to be completely sure of herself and her next course of action before she moves into something too quickly
So you can imagine my frustration with not knowing you well enough to predict your next statements.
Yet at the same time i guess that's what helps draw me into you.
All i know is that i keep making a fool of myself and if i don't let this out now,
The next words out my mouth might be catastrophic.
I'm interested.
But i can't let you know that.


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