I'm Human Too
I walk through the streets of this little town called home
I always think I’m alone
But, then I listen closely to the wind that blows to and fro
whispering my name and words of encouragement
“You’re not alone”
“You never were”
I just have to open my eyes to the people around me
I have to see the possibilities and opportunities given to me
Yeah, some people say if a door closes on you in your life
another one opens
But, how can I go for that door if I can’t even see it
That’s me
The girl who can’t even begin to think about another chance
I bury myself in my own thoughts
I’m always the quiet one
The quiet one that everyone thinks has the perfect life
Well, that isn’t the case
I cry too
I hurt too
The girl you see in those pictures with a smile on her face doesn’t always smile like that
I yell in frustration at myself too
I get angry and hate people too
Isn’t it only humane if someone has all of these feelings?
People say, “smile” when taking pictures
When I see that camera in front of me, I try to put on my best smile
But, I can’t
My smiles are all fake.
I try to be that perfect girl that everyone thinks I am
I’m just a girl with endless flaws
I’m not perfect
I’m not that perfect girl that people make me out to be
I’m human too
I can’t take all of the stress that everyone gives me
I want to smile genuinely too
But, how can I when people don’t give me the time?