"I'm fine, and you?"

"Hello, How are you today?"


My friends from highschool screen my calls,

I can't nail their pictures on my walls,

and isn't it funny how everything falls

down off the edge of the top of the world eventually.

And your English class was totally the reason why I got up out of bed this morning

because I only feel like myself again when I'm talking about someone else's story

And I haven't gotten a hug in exactly thirty-seven days and three hours

Because I've been single for thirty-seven days and three hours

because that's when I broke up with my love

Because I'm not new and exciting and alive anymore.

I'm in chapter thirteen of a book with twelve chapters 

My life has ended but I keep on living.

I'm a zombie now.  I thrive on the brains of dead writers

that I pick at in your class discussions.

Grrrrrrr  Braaains.

"I'm fine, Professor. And you?"


The Darcy Perspective

My favorite part of this poem: The fact that I'm going through all this same exact shit. This poem is spot on.

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