Im a dog
to women men are dogs
we need someone to take care of us
we growl when something upsets us
we bark just to show we're the alpha male
we bury or hide our most treasured items
we mark our territory but not in the same way
we will fetch anything a woman desires
we get treats when we do something right
we get sent to the dog house when we do something wrong
we run in circles just because we have no where else to go
now i agree with these statements but im an alpha male and i have my own statements to put forth
when you walk through the that door i go crazy because when youre gone my sense of time is out of whack
ill be loyal to you
ill be your best friend through thick and thin
ill lay by your side cuz thats where i feel most at home
if you go missing ill be the first to start looking for you
if you eever lose your sight i will be there to guide you
if you ever feel like taking a walk just to get away for a while , ill be there
if you feel scared i will be the most protective being out there
but finally the most admirable thing about being a dog is that it is the only animal that will love you more than itself