If You Forget All Else
My One Dream Job.
We pave the trail we’re meant to blaze
We’ll keep on going until it’s ourselves we amaze
Some of us will take off and just keep flying
Those of us that fall will just keep trying
My dream job, I confess, is a goal aimed high
I want to take over Saturday Night Live
In order to succeed I formed a reputation
So that when I tell people my dream they’ll say
“You’d fit well in that occupation”
My experience in sketch comedy and improv. cannot be measured
But what I found along the ride are core values I’ll treasure.
I want to be truthful I’m told its good for your health
When an audience laughs at a scene they’ll think “I see something of myself”
The element of comedy is not always a humble one
But I strive for humility to be part of who I become
I want my work to speak for itself
I won’t talk myself up or flaunt my wealth
What I write, will mean something more
I will provide opportunity; I’ll open that door
The last thing I value is near to my heart
I will maintain integrity and that’s just for a start
The ideals that shape me will be no one’s but mine
My mother gave me that speech and I remember every line
“Be strong and persistent, sometimes you’ll fall on your rear but it’s
Experience like that what will allow you to persevere.”
When I write sketch and comedy I’ll think of the greats
And when it comes to loyalty I’ll be Adam Sandler to my mates.
It’s never been my nature to let opportunity pass me by
I’ll honor collaboration and never think “What if?” or “Why”?
Musicals, plays, sketch, and mentoring
I feel well prepared for the industry I’ll be entering
I didn’t mention my one dream job but more than once (Now twice)
Because everything I’ve talked about is all one cake, the job is just slice
My job at SNL will be uncharted territory, an alien zone
But isn’t that what some of life should be? The exciting, the unknown?
We are all so young and many of us ambitious
That it may seem to you my one dream job should be fictitious
The way I see it, I’ll never stop learning
But I can’t help but reach, it’s a life-long yearning
So the only thing left is to introduce myself to Lorne
Hey there Michaels, I feel it only fair to warn
I mean no harm I come in absolute peace
You’re brilliant empire with me would not (You have my word) cease
I will honor your work and add a flare of my own
I’ll treat it with care, your carefully crafted throne
The last thing to do restate my intention
Because you probably feel like I’m a mistress of circumvention
I want to be head writer and executive producer at Saturday Night Live
And if you, selection committee, would come with me, head first I would dive
My parting statement (Eagerly awaited)
Is a brave little fact that I’ve (Until now) left unstated
Lorne without your ‘ok’ your support and admission
I would still pursue sketch, but instead, as your respectful competition
My One Dream Job has always been the same
If you forget all else, remember my name