If You Could See The Real Me
If you could see the true me you'd see the broken girl
you'd see the mask she stands behind thats been cracked so many times
you'd see the misery
you'd see the heartache
you'd see the broken smile that i have to wear
you'd see the dusted halls and narrow alleys
you'd see the real me
you'd see the music lover, the writer, the singer, the actor, the dancer
you'd see someone who stands strong in spite of all those who knocked her down
you'd see the scars , the tears, the hidden emotions
you'd learn of the stories , the abuse . the bullying
you'd learn that even after brushing it off its still hard to hear it
you'd learn that self-esteem is the lowest and that i hate myself for it
you'd learn that im a fighter who wants to travel the world
you'd learn that despite all that has happen im stronger then ever because i have dreams that i pray will come true with a little elbow grease and good luck.