If the Sky were Red

If the sky were red

what would the birds do

flying high in the sky

feeling so scared and weird

just because their world seem so strange.


If the Sea was red

where will the fishes swim

knowing that they swim in the blues

what could have brought this red sea.


if the forest is ever-red

instead of evergreen

i wonder how the trees would be

even if there is no chlorophyl

then it should be yellow and not so red


if our lives are red

then it means we lived in bloodshed

hatred every now and then

lost of lifes and lost of love

i wonder how the world will cope

when our blood has filled the sea.

lets be together and avoid killing one another.




This poem is about: 
Our world


Kech Powers

it pays to live in unity because unity brings about strong commitment and determination.

A country in Unity can achieve anything they want in life thus, we ought to be united.


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