If love..
If all the world is love and not hate
then why does love discriminate?
Love shouldn't have to be groomed..
because, if so, the two end up doomed.
But why am I the one alone?
Why does love seem so close,
yet too far away to call on the phone?
If love is felt with the heart,
then why do aesthetic matters
play such a huge part?..
Ya know, the make-up & fancy dress
disgusing our life of mess?
Is that why I'm alone?
Is that why love turns the other way?
Everyone says, "love isn't about what you look
like on the outside, it's what's on the
inside that matters.."
Well, that's the biggest lie known to man.
I can't even keep a rhyming scheme
when I'm talking about love..
I don't understand.
It just makes no sense to me, man.
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The ending is is near humorous, wether or not you were aiming for that I don't know.It did make the poem feel happier. More light hearted. "Love is a fickle bitch." I'm pretty sure that is a quote from someone... (excuse the language) But looks are always going to be where it starts because of first impression, however I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That is not a lie.