If it weren't for poetry?
For the teens with the a passive personality
They are angered on the inside however, they are hardwired to remain to themselves
For the teens who have 3.5 GPA's and higher
For the teens who have refrained from from underage sex
For the teens who left the party that served alcohol
For the teens that never smoked cigarettes, weed, or took any other drug
For those teens that have never been congratulated for their right doings
For the teens that grew up in an abusive household without a way out
For the teen that was told to give up on applying to college
Being told they will not get accepted
For the teen that was taught scholarships are nothing but raffles
For the teen that cries themselves to sleep at
This teen is me
However do not have pity
I write poetry for teens that are like me in order for youth with my character to survive