If I were to disappear/ A best Friend

What would happen if I were to disappear?

Just like that. By whatever reason.

How many people would get affected by it?

Would anyone.... grieve?

Would anyone miss me?

How would people react?

How many people will go to my funeral?

What if my time came, to leave behind everything and everyone I love.

Death comes like a thief at night. Unexpected, taking you by surprise.

Or you invite it in and you say to it,

"Take me away already. Why continue? I have nothing anymore. No reason, no purpose."

It's hard not to think about it. It just comes out of nowhere. Just a thought.

Or sometimes someone says something that really puts that thought into process, sometimes, it could be your own family.

It can be hard, to express that thought to other people, thinking that they might be able to help you. Sometimes they'll help you, but other times they'll just criticize you.

When that happens you start to think,

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"Why can't people handle a simple thought?"

It's so much easier to write it down on paper, to express to it your emotions, you learn to trust it, and you start having that sense of security that it won't tell anyone else and that it'll keep it a secret.

Then it becomes like a companion, a best friend.

You just simply cannot trust other people, because they'll just believe what other people tell them. They assume.

They assume that just because someone said something about someone they think it's true, that it must be true.

They assume that just because that person is so well known, they believe it.

But they never look at both sides of the story, what the other person thinks, they always just......assume.

This poem is about: 
My family


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