If I Could Ask a PoetT
if you could ask a question,
anything on your mind,
what exactly would you ask
if you were given time?
Say you met a tall man,
who said he was a poet.
"Do you have a question?" He would ask.
"If there's an answer, I know it."
"Yes, I do,'' you reply,
as you smile a great big smile.
"What's the meaning of life?" You ask.
He'll think on that a while.
But without a second heartbeat,
the poet smiles slow.
"I think I have the answer," He says.
"Yes, I think I know."
"What is it then?" You ask the man,
growing more impatient.
"Hold on to your horses, son,
and just let me explain it."
"Poems are just like life, you see,
you get what you put in.
The meaning in life is to always try
your best through thick and thin."
"That's it?" You don't know what to say.
You're baffled and confused.
"There has to be more!" You scream and shout.
The poet just looks amused.
"I told you what you wanted to know,
so take my words right with you.
The'll come in handy some day, son,
and you won't know until they do."
Tthe poet stands and starts to leave,
but before he goes out the door,
he turns, smiles, and winks at you
then disappears without a word.
Now if I could ask a question,
anything on my mind,
I think I'd ask a poet, maybe,
if I could find the time.