Such a trip tryna stay true to the real you
Stuck inside screaming through the thoughts and the feels too..
Living life tryna ditch the ego, make the new you
Reinvent yourself into something that just feels true
Monsters of social media, pickin up the blues clues
New shoes, tattoos,
Dont's and do's from chicks and dudes
Famous people flaunting all the riches and the sea food
Hard enough tryna size up to such a magnitude
Slip your foot in, shoe always feel just a bit loose..
Hangin on a thread tryna cut your life from the noose
But this feelin of being forgotten keep you sweatin so profuse
So we sit behind the screen trying to catch up on the news..
Find yourself by clicking mice, roll the dice to catch the likes.
Always hopin for approval to find direction in your life
But if you cut off all the screens, ditch the phones and hit the lights
You just might find that spark, the torch is yours, so light the night