i write
I do not like to ask for help.
I value inner strength above
all else.
But I cannot do everything on my own.
I cannot keep all my thoughts in my head.
They cannot stay there
stewing away
creating darkness,
creating mold.
So I write them down.
I write them down to get them out.
I am not a processor.
I need help working things through.
And the pen and paper
or screen and keyboard
become my aides.
They are silent.
They won't tell my secrets
or fears
or joys.
But they will process.
They will hold me thoughts
and allow me to come back to them
or obsess over them
or throw them away.
It doesn't matter what I do with
the thoughts I write down.
All that matters is that I write them down.
It cleanses me,
allows me to move on.
I write to be okay.