I Won't Sell Myself Short
You can not tell me I'm short,
I'm just lacking in inches.
It's rude to ask me if I showered,
rather ask me what that stench is.
I refuse to be called white,
Based on the fact I'm melanin deficient.
I have no friends,
because I have no need of friends,
I'm just that self-sufficient.
I can't get fired from a job,
instead we have a mutual agreement.
My knowledge of the American language is great,
while my English is more or less decent.
I finally made my high school basketball team,
though they kicked me off once they found out I was in college.
The fact I've won 27 participation awards,
is something I believe should be acknowledged.
I shouldn't be discriminated against,
for having no particular skill set at all.
They said I didn't make the team because I'm too short.
I replied, “No, sir, you are just too tall.”