I will not be silenced
I hear how I need to shut my mouth
How I am very good at needing to have the last word
How one day my mouth will get me in trouble and you hope that you get to see that day
How I have a big mouth
I need to cut down on the sarcasm because it is a little much for you
So let me ask you with my big sardonic mouth:
How many women do you know who let people walk all over them, name one woman who lets a man walk on her like she is a part of the sidewalk that he stays on so as not to get hit by the traffic of the women who set their voices free, name one woman who stands down from an argument because someone told her she is not good enough or smart enough or that she shouldn’t be talking about things that she just doesn’t understand, name every woman in history who sat back and let someone else take the lead in changing history, who kept their voice locked up because they had grown up with a parent telling them that their mouth was trouble,
I will not let you silence me like all those other women in history, I refuse to be one of the women who repressed their voice because you can’t take the heat of the words that spew from my mouth like fire, I refuse to be one of the women who are known as a constant pushover, who are looked at as weak because they never speak up for themselves and let everyone walk all over them,
If being able to stand up and tell the world that I will not be silenced is something that you do not approve of… don’t let the door hot you on the way out