I Will Be A Better Me
Your smile is bright and deep
your words are a song of comfort
happy are those are around you.
Beautiful as a sunset by the ocean
warm and gentle as the sea breeze.
I felt drawn to you
I wanted to be like you.
You seemed so sure of yourself,
I wanted to be happy like you.
When life happened and the storm came,
your comforting song was not there to sing to me.
Your warm touch left my side.
I kept wondering why
what have I done wrong?
Your inexplicable silence
said it all,
that gentle caring loving song
was alive only in my dreams.
I woke up from my dream
and the loving tender song
is long gone.
I have new lyrics for my life
I can sing better than before.
With my own voice and new vision
here I come to conquer a mission.
I will be better than my dream song
I will be a reality
caring, joyful, tender, loving
dreaming of a bright future
and living the wonderful present.
I will start from the beginning
and will craft my life,
I will be a better me
and will not dream of songs anymore.