I want to use a dirty word
I want to say every word Ive ever seen sprawled on a locker.
I want to punch a hole in your face with the butt of my sword but It's only a pen and we both know it.
I want to let everyone know exactly who they are dealing with when they say,
'Look at the skinny one with the big hair.'
I want to pull a Vulcan mind-meld just so that you can understand what it felt like to have a grown man touch me that way.
I want you to feel the salt water in my tear ducts when I decided not to tell anyone.
I want to stand on the platform all day and wait for you to show up.
'You said what to her?' My Father will say and knock your pervy lights out.
I want to mark you forever with a scarlet letter.
'I' for ignorant
'I' for inconceivable
'I' for inescapable
'I' for innocence taker
'I' for it's not a compliment
I want you to boil in the pot you smoke and drown in the liquor bottles that flood your car.
I want you to join the US Army.
I want to forget about you.
I want a lot of things but I almost forgot,
This poem was not for me.
It's for the next girl who will fry under your eyes.
I want her to know what I do now and walk away.
I want her to call to the nearest person and demand that they witness this atrocity at work.
I want her to say all the dirty words that she needs to.
I want her to know her body is not your business.
I want you to stop.