I Wander Free
Freedom as I choose my own route,
The world before me, my past behind me.
The shackles fall from my wrists and I embrace my full potential.
I rejoice in what each new day brings me.
I swim this river, climb that mountain,
Making my own mistakes, failing at some things,
But never letting the opinions of others stop me from trying.
I sample new things, new paths, and when I find one that I like,
I follow it until, turning a corner, I come across a different path;
One filled with adventure, leading into a forest, down a valley,
Through a tunnel, and to a ravine. I build my own bridge to cross.
Then the path comes to an end at a magnificent cascading waterfall,
But my journey is not at an end.
There is another path to follow nearby.
And as I choose my own way, pursuing my dreams,
I truly wander free.