The Way He Holds Me
I used to be with Fire-
He held me much too close.
His flames leapt out and burned me
When I played with my friend Rose
I ran away from Fire
And the smothering smoke he spewed
But my empty heart desired
Another man I wouldn't lose.
Ice held me even tighter-
Sharpest shards pierced through my skin
I didn't want to leave him
For the things that might've been
I asked him why one day
He wouldn't let me get a job
Wouldn't let me see my friends
And his answer made me sob
"Because I love you" he replied
"Don't you feel the same?"
I decided at that moment
I was ending all my pain
I ran away from both of them
No more Fire, no more Ice
That doesn't make me weaker
I escaped the monster twice
I spent the long days after
Loving myself instead of them
I took the time to heal
And now I can love again
I'm with another now
He holds me next to his heart
He doesn't strike or burn me
When I ask for time apart
If I asked him why his heart is true
And why he lacks hot flames
I know he'd say "Because I love you"
And I will always feel the same.