I Thought I Couldn't Live
When I thought about my life,
I knew I couldn’t live without
My friends, my family, my love
And all my things, scattered about.
Except my world has quickly crashed,
And unexpectedly what I needed the most
Has left me, suddenly, for dead
And, in my life, became a ghost.
But if what I need to stay alive
Is someone’s shoulder,
Someone’s happiness to share,
Why am I still alive now, getting older?
So then I thought: enough of this.
The sorrow, and the tears,
The clump in my throat that’s grown to be
A part of me, filled up with fears.
YOU are the person YOU must cherish,
Because no one can break YOU down
When you control YOUR OWN happiness
And in YOUR life, YOU wear the crown.
I surely thought my life has ended,
But in the end, it just began.
What I cannot live without
Is just myself. Who needs romance?
And though, so far, the times are hard
I will survive, and in that regard
I beg whomever this may touch,
To realize,
SELF-LOVE is your trump card.
Please love yourself. Love yourself, so much.