I see it
I see your pain
When I look deep in your eyes
You try to hide it
With a smile and makeup
But only those who have experienced it
Know it
They know ones attempts to hide
They know the tears that you cry
Behind closed doors you sigh
They are the only ones who know the agony
So when you try to hide it
Just know
I see it.
I see it in your eyes
I see it in your fake smile
The way you walk about trying really hard to appear normal
Your desire to be perfect
Your need for other people's validation
The fear in every step you take
A fear of being inadequate
That no matter how hard you try
Failure follows you wherever you turn
So when you hide it with a smile
A loud personality that is overshadows your pain
It's only temporary
Because when you are alone
It all returns
The misery
The anguish
The cataclysmic pain
The tears
The heartache...
Beautiful human
Just know that I can see it
And you are not alone
-This is for you