I saw the trademark on your face the true evil grin and eyes of sin violence covered her body in lace disappeared without a trace I saw the pity the and sorrow on your face Never getting out alive you say how pretty I am with fear imprinted and frozen upon my face your so pretty and now a hopeless case suicidal ideation it is the only way out you see manipulation and sorrowful lies was the key to unlock the door did you enter willingly? What a poor little boy using girls as personal toys can't even face his crime you would rather die by suicide than serve a miniscule amount of time who are you to run instead of face your consequence A coward selling poison adding depth to the hell you will soon be in have you no remorse for what you have done for you robbed the girl and pretend to be the victim cowards don't stand a chance They finally found you Shots fired as you ran eyes open and light blue the world gained a light that shines when evil dies The balance of peace shifted tonight You can run but not hide from your crimes