I Said No
I said no, but it would not matter anyways.
In my eyes, no means no;
in his, no means keep trying,
she’s just playing hard to get, she wants you anyways.
I said no.
No does not mean you have any more entitlement to my body;
in fact, you never did before, and you still don’t.
I said no to the catcalls on the streets,
“can I get your number baby?”
and, “come on, let me take you home. It’ll be fun.”
I said no
to those wandering eyes that automatically land on my ass,
and the people like you who call me fat, ugly, and sexually worthless.
But I dare you, look at me now.
Covered. In the shadows. Hiding.
Hiding the body I should, could and would love
if it weren’t for people like you.
And while you make jokes with your friends about, “That’s what she said,”
Remember what I actually said.
I said no.