I resist
We did Not come this far
we did nOt put up a fight
A fight for our rIghts as humans and equals
To be subliminally judged and dehumanized With your rude remarks about my sex
I wOn’t let you control me, as if
I were a puppet iN your one man show
this is no man’s show,This is my show for once.
My gender does not define Me
as an individuAl that is
far greater than any overgeneralized stereotype Known to you
evEn if
You are too naive to understand
The cOmplexity that is
to be a hUman.
I wouldn’t dAre degrade you.
Even though the Fire that grows within me wants to.
YoUr judgmental comments can’t
Cause me any damage
I Know better than to believe you.
All I want Is to open your close-minded
mind aNd be able to show you that the words that come out your mouth
Are not to be Grouped and constructed
into a Sentence that is use to
diminish me As a woman
in comparisoN to a man.
Instead Do the ethical thing and respect me.
The World is in need of moral values towards woman.
So the next tIme you ask me
to make you a sandwiCh as a technique to shut me up
I will not Hesitate to say