I Love You, I Love You Not
Sometimes I feel like I have to hold
my breath around you
and tiptoe everywhere I go.
I have to brace myself
when I wake you up in the morning
for the first fight of every day.
The last fight of every day
is when you don’t want to hold
me since I wouldn’t make love at 3 in the morning.
I swear I love you
more than I even love myself
but sometimes I think about what it would be like to go.
What if, that first date, I didn’t go?
Would we still be here today?
I hate myself
for doubting us, but something hold
me back form you now.
Maybe it was the other morning.
The morning
you told me to go.
That you didn’t see a future with me and you
but only because you live day to day.
I saw a future where you hold
Me every night. Now I see one by myself.
I don’t want to be by myself.
I want to wake up next to you every morning
but I keep holding
onto these doubts and they won’t go
away. Not even for a day.
But I promise I still want you.
All I want is to be with you.
I think I’m scared of myself,
of going a day
alone. Of waking up one morning
and you’re gone. But if I go
first, I won’t get hurt. No, hold
on. You are my life. A morning
without you is a morning I let myself go.
The day you leave is the day I hold a gun to my head and shoot.