I love you
So simple in text but in words its only comes in stutters and a crimson face,
These feelings for you I can't even brace;
But I keep it in secret so you can't expect a thing,
For you were already in a fling.
We were friends this was true,
But if I said "I love you";
Our friendship would be through,
You would be angry and I would feel blue.
Finally I've had enough,
The feeling in my chest became too tough;
I spoke in screams and tears,
This short moment turning into years.
These words followied by obnoxious bawling;
The whole experience looked appalling,
I focused my gaze to his also sobbing eyes,
No this confession was not responded with good-byes.
You felt the same,
You said you were to blame;
To put me through this was mean,
He knew I would cause a scene.
The moment ended with a tight hold,
He didn't try to act too bold;
He didn't need to his gentleness was all I need,
I had massive greed.
Holding him for what felt like a century,
It was okay because we both felt great sensory.
The words,
"I love you."
Never seemed so easy to say.