i love him
i love him
but i know hes not the one for me
i love him
but stayng in this relationship is causing me so much misery
i love him
but if i stay its like im saying okay to my heart being broken again and again
i just cant stay
i love him
but i cant keep on dealing with this
all the lieing
the cheating
the missed calls
the vreepin
the unsaved numbers
the hidng of the texts
wwe used to be in love now its just about sex
and i wanna work it out
give him the benifit of the doubt
but i know its time to move on
my love is my own
he dosent deserve it
he doesnt even care that im hurting
but i keep thinkinh back on all the memories we had
and it makes me so sad because at the end of the day
i love him