I know you heard
I know you heard me when I asked you to stop using that word
I know you heard me when I asked why you speak so hatefully
I know you heard me when I told you to stop acting like it was all my fault
I also know that hate, and creulty and blame comes from a place of,
i know that you told me not to be so sensitive about it but I am.
I'm senisitve about it because I've heard it from the media,
the people at school and the people in public, I don't want to hear it from you too.
In the streets of cities acros the country I know you can heard the screams of mothers,
who lost their babies due to violence
I know you heard people say that enough is enough to hate
I know you've heard all these things
But it seems like all you've heard is that you aren't the problem
that the people fighting for justice and equality are
That the people screaming for equality of race, gender and sexuality aren't being heard
At least they aren't being heard by you.