I Know Better
I am a foolish teenager
My peers and I are irrational.
They say that
because I am headstrong.
I see that
I am alone in refusing to stop dancing through life.
And it is wrong to say
That I am strong because of the hardships I have faced
I have come to realize
I am weak.
It is wrong to assume
That I am strong enough to endure the future.
So instead I believe
I should give up now.
I do not believe that
In a world of fear and pain
I will survive.
I am alone.
I am not special.
I am no different than the rest of my age group.
a part of a statistic that demonstrates
I refuse to define myself as
And I will strive to
Blend in
I refuse to
Speak out.
I swear to
Keep my head down
play it safe
Because that is what is expected.
But I realized
I am not meant to follow rules simply
because that is what is expected:
Play it safe,
keep my head down.
I swear to
Speak out
I refuse to
Blend in
And I will strive to be
I refuse to define myself as
A part of a statistic that demonstrates
I am no different from my age group,
I am not special
I am alone.
I will survive
In a world of fear and pain.
I do not believe that
I should give up now.
So instead I believe
That I am strong enough to endure the future.
It is wrong to assume
I am weak.
I have come to realize
I am strong because of the hardships I've faced.
And it is wrong to say
I am alone in dancing through life.
They say that because I am headstrong
my peers and I are irrational,
And I am a foolish teenager.
But I know better.