I know
I know,
You’re tired of being the only one fighting
And you're tired of being the only one falling,
You're tired of failing at being yourself
And you're tired of failing at being a failure.
You're tired of being.
I know,
Some don’t understand the effort it takes
To fight for someone you think you hate
Bleeding and crying- cutting her down
Remembering who she is and turning right back around
Because she's the one that you're fighting for
And no matter how much you spend on her attempted restraint
(for you are a paradox within a paradox)
She’s still there fighting.
she’s tired of being the only one fighting
And she’s tired of being the only one falling,
She’s tired of failing at being what you ask of her
And she’s tired of the tolls you place on every corner.
She was once afraid of being tired,
She promises.
She’s just tired now
But, you know,
She loves with all her heart.
And she lives to make you smile.
There’s a heat in her blood that could fuel ten others,
A fire in her eyes that could put shame to the sun-
And I know you’ve beaten and bloodied and shoved her down
Because somehow you thought it would save yourself
From being beaten and bloodied and pushed around,
But the two of you,
And she and I
(You and I)
We’re all on the same side of the same war.
We’re just tired of being the only ones fighting
And we’re tired of being the only ones falling,
We’re tired of being tired.
I’ve been ready to give in before-
And I know that you are now-
But she isn’t;
she’s stronger than you or I will ever be.
Hold onto her.