I Keep It Together

When things go bad, when things go wrong,

I keep it together, I stay strong.

I go to my room, or I go outside,

where I listen to music or exercise.

Endorphins are released, I feel no pain,

I go back to my happy self again.

What was so bad? What was so wrong?

I keep it together, I stay strong!

When things go awry, when things get askew, 

I keep it together, find something to do.

I turn to my camera, for pictures to take,

a glance through a lense, a memory I make.

The photos remind me,  it's not always the same,

it's as simple as that, no time to place blame.

What went awry? What went askew?

I keep it together, I find something to do!

When things become annoying, irritating, or pique,

I keep it together, I keep myself meek.

I don't throw a tantrum, or lash out in vain,

I take some deep breaths, to keep myself sane.

I think of a bad and askewed day, why it went so wrong,

I had idle hands and didn't stay strong!

What was so annoying, irritating, and pique?

I keep it together, I keep myself meek!


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