I have something to say
Why I write poetry:
to keep away the demons that haunt my dreams
whispering black white nothings
that creep along my pillow and into my ear
molten quick silver to melt my mind and wet my pen.
To swallow down with a teaspoon of sugar
the worms that swim in my stomach at silent o'clock
starving for light in the darkness.
For the voiceless memories of you,
the imagined phonecalls that ring behind my eyelids,
the fingers tied down with paperweights,
and the Times New Roman roads that swim before blinded pupils.
I dream ink pen follies
and shout them with a pendent made of angel wings
that truth will flow
only when all else has been removed.
So I scrub the skin raw with glass shards
so the world can feel the cold caress of raw newness.
To answer the universe when it calls me collect
to use my throat as a megaphone for the words ignored
to tear the blindfold from the eyes of humanity
and let us bleed reality until tears fall
and wash away the stains we caused.
I write because I have something to say.