I Have Never Met a Woman Who Told Me She Think She's Pretty
I have never met a woman who told me she thinks she's pretty
I don't know if it's because they aren't confident
or because they've been trained to think they shouldn't be
But either way
I have never met a woman who told me she thinks she's pretty
Because confidence isn't sexy
No matter what they try to tell you
Because you aren't sexy
They tell you that a lot
Beauty is on the inside
Which is good
Because your outside will never look like it should
I have never met a woman who told me she thinks she's pretty
Most days I don't think I'm pretty
And on days that I do
I lie
Refer back to the problems that plague me on bad days
And soon I remember that I'm not pretty
Which is good
Because women aren't supposed to think they're pretty
We would buy so much less
Fret so much less
Be so much more powerful
And that is too scary
So, I have never met a woman who told me she thinks she's pretty
But who cares if confidence is sexy?
Who cares if we look like we should?
We deserve to be powerful
We deserve to love how we look
Because beauty is on the outside AND the inside
And it is subjective
There is no one definition of beauty
I want every woman I meet to tell me she thinks she's pretty
And so are you.