I have a dream, too (after Martin Luther King Jr.)
I Have A Dream ..... One day I hope to walk across the street
And the only profiling I have to deal with is which picture catches me in the right light
But sometimes dark is too dark means night means another person that you couldn’t see right?
One day I hope the only magazine a child’s knows
Is one that they rip the pages out of to make their vision board not a gun,
Sweet child, the world revolves around you but now-a-days revolvers do, too
One day, I hope I can open my grandmothers eyes
To the people that look different and feel different inside
I would preach it to her until her tears turned rainbow
Make her feel all the colors she thought were the same-though
One day, I hope that I don’t have to pull off your crown off to put on mine
We drag each other to the ground as if our voices are not buried deep enough
On top of that, others kick more dirt on us
I am an educated woman in a society built of misogynistic men
Whatever we get paid, they get times ten
One day, I hope the black child’s cries are heard
Oppression gave us resilience but it also silenced us by the millions and millions and millions
Black child is still crying and black community is still dying and everyone else is just complying
As they watching us suffer from the past turned present I want to see change
I want that one day to be tomorrow, I want that one day to be today
I want change...
I want to be heard like every tweet trump send out is a news headline
I want to be seen like a noose is a warning sign
I want to sound like that gun every time it claims another life
I want to be destructive without the destructiveness
I’ve been defaulted to mute for far too long
Or maybe you’re just drowning me out But remember, when rain falls it pours,
and we won’t be the only ones drowning this time
I have a dream, that one day the oppressed’s dreams will become reality
Where there will be smiles big enough to hold together our community
Where Love will mean love and not tolerance
Where there will be no worries for the rest of our days,
I have a dream, and one day
It will come true...