I Dream Poetry
I dream poetry
There is nothing that excites me more
More than transcribing thoughts I may never share
More than reading out loud to find what sounds best
More than giving my ideas life and form on paper with pencil
Because poetry is my passion
Because poetry outlines who I am
To me, poems are containers that never run out of space
Where thoughts can be stored, then organized, then rearranged
Some thoughts are thrown out
Others stay to fill in the spaces
Or make bigger ones
Sometimes, the space is so big that you need another box
But there's never a need to worry of filling up too many
This is poetry, and we all can have as many boxes as we want
Have you ever won an award?
I win one every time I find the right word to end a line
Have you ever been really happy?
I'm all smiles when the closing line seals the box
Have you ever been proud of yourself?
My pride comes from the audience
Whose claps thunder in a closed room
Whose cheers reverberate off walls
Whose smiles match their intrigue: full and prospering
I'll never admit it to them
But knowing that they like what I write puts my smile in plain sight
Just knowing that in a world of lively beings, flashing lights, and petty distractions
The audience focuses on me more than all else
That makes me feel great
That makes my poems more than just poems
They become embodyments of thoughts
That link minds and hearts together
They break down age and origin
They demolish what separates us so we can all attend thoughts and memories that stem from subject manner
Imagine this
The old man and his teenage son have a million differences
But they can find a similarity in my words about heartbreak
The son remembers one
The father remembers them all
But they remember together
That's why I write
To connect, as well as craft
To relate, as well as remember
If I could be a poet forever, I'd live my dream
Like how my dreams live forever on my notebook's pages