I Don't Care. I Love You.
You love me
I know that
When you read my poems
And don't hate me
For the angry things I’ve said
That's love
You're the only person
Who never makes me feel stupid
Even when you could
And that has to be love
I can say the same weird stuff
And do the same weird stuff
That I do when I'm alone
And the weird stuff you don't see
I can tell you about later
And that's definitely love
You make me laugh
Until I can't breathe
Even when I don't want to
And that's love
For the millionth time
I missed someone
For months on end
But that someone was you
And so you missed me too
It's love because
You came back
You make me see the things
That I should love about myself
And that's love
You make the worst days bearable
And the best days incredible
And that's love
It's love when you ask me
What you can do to help
And it's love
When you let me down easy
It's love when you don't lie to me
It's love because you're still there
It's love because you care
I love you too
And I know this because
When you're not around
I'm still whole
You don't complete me
And that's love
I want you to succeed
No matter what it means for me
And that's love
I pray for your friends
Even when they hate me
And that's love
It's love because
I used to think that sunflowers
Were the prettiest thing
But then I saw you
And my mind instantly changed
Even now
I still think you're more gorgeous
Than the most beautiful yellow
In the most beautiful sunset
But in a way that can't be quantified
By what your outsides show
That's love
If you just want to be my friend
That's okay with me
Because it means that I still get you
Even if it's not enough
And that's love
It's love because
When something happens
Huge or insignificant
A dream I had last night
Or something that will change my life
I want to tell you first
I talk to God a lot
And it's often about you
Because I want you to be
Whatever it is you were made to be
And I want you to be with
Whoever was made for you
Even if it isn't me
And that
Is love
When you prod me to the point
That I don't want you around -
When you make me angry
And I want to scream
And it feels just like
I might go insane -
When I'm crying
And it's your fault
And it's as if my chest
Might swell and burst -
When I don't understand
Why you feel the way you do -
When I don't know
What else I can say -
When you won't let me in -
When it hurts like hell -
When I want to give up -
When it's too much -
All I can say is
I love you, I love you, I love you,
Because even at your worst
You will never be unlovable
I want your 2:00 AM troubles
And your 8:00 AM kisses
I want your blinding anger
And your mourning tears
I want to know your ins
And your outs too
I want to know it all
As long as it belongs to you
Push me away
Do your worst
I don't care
I love you