I Don't Care
It started when I was young. Teased by my family.
Move you fat cow, you're blocking the TV.
Why don't you go do some sit ups instead of eating that ice cream?
You sure could stand to skip a couple meals fatass.
Then middle school happened.
Walking through the hallways.
Pointing, laughing. Look at the fat pig,
Look how her glasses make her eyes look huge.
I don't care. I am beautiful.
In P.E. I run the laps like everyone else.
Run piggy run.
Do we have to have her on our team?
I don't care. I'm beautiful.
Longing for someone to see me for me.
Ew, I would never date her.
Go to the dance with you? Yeah right.
I don't care. Im beautiiful.
High school comes with few hopes of things being different.
Why is she so quiet?
What's wrong with her?
Look at that fat girl eating lunch by herself.
I start to listen. I care. Am I really beautiful?
I begin to question my beauty.
I starve myself.
I'm dizzy. I'm hungry.
But this will make people like me.
I can't handle it. I go back to being me.
The years continue as I start to find who I am.
Hey, you wanna hang out?
I love your hair!
You're so funny.
And finally find love.
Crystal, you're beautiful.
Crystal, I love you.
Finally happy.
Ignore the haters because
I don't care. I'm beautiful.