I Didn't Say Yes

I didn't say yes.
I didn't say yes not because I wanted to hurt you, but because I wanted to help you.
How can you learn to become yourself when you're too busy caught up on somebody else's self?
You need to find you.
I won't pretend I didn't want to give in to the selfishness
You know how long it took me to become a selfless person?
Who am i kidding, I'm still not done yet, but that was a step in the right direction.
I'm giving you a shove in the path to your future.
Neither one of us needs to settle..we need to be us
As in you.
Not to be confused with you and me
We tried that before, remember?
But my me was a different me than the me you wanted me to be.
And your you was a different you than the you I wanted you to be.
I guess what I'm saying is our expectations overtook our reality
So much so that we pretended that the fantasy was everlasting.
Everyone wakes up from dreams
Some to find out that they've been dreaming for an eternity
I didn't want that to be you and me
So I changed our eternity into four months
Four months of pretending that we were eachothers fairytale ending
Four months of hidden resentment, jealousy, and lack of communication.
It was harder for you to let go than me because no ones ever crushed your fairytale before.
You couldn't see it coming in over your wave of ignorant bliss.
My fairytale has been crushed many times before so I know what a tsunami looks like
i won't mistake it for a wave.
That's a rookie mistake.
I didn't say yes because you wouldve saw it coming this time.
And you wouldve drowned in the wave while struggling to keep your head above reality for just one more peek at fantasy.
I couldn't do to you what was done to me.
i couldn't rip away the one shred of hope you had left so I let you down easily instead of dragging you through my personal hell called reality.
I didn't say yes.


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