I Define Me, Not the World
I am not supposed to live this long.
The hateful, cruel words, and harassment gave me wounds.
Wounds that never seemed to close.
Wounds that continued to
grow and grow and grow,
almost until the death of me.
I am a victim.
I am a fatherless child.
I am never good enough.
I am a voice silenced.
by the ghosts of my past
and the fears of the future.
I am a lost spirit
never belonging
always in search of a home.
A safe place where I can be proud to admit,
I am tall.
I am talented.
I am charismatic.
I am outstanding.
I am lovable.
I am different.
I am athletic.
I am imaginative.
I am a writer.
I am loud.
I am me.
I am enough.
I have yet to find that place,
but my wounds are healing.
I have proven that
I am not what the world makes me
or what the world wants me to be.
Because I am me, and
I get to decide that
I am a someone.
I am a survivor.