i could(n't) build a castle
i am tired
there could be no other explanation
for these thoughts that swirl the mind
they're like clouds that build up
and the rain pours, and drenches the roofs
eventually it brings a leak
and the leak gradually falls to the pot
that collects every tiny drop of percipitation
and before you know it, it has filled the pot
to the rim
and then it
yes, it is only a dream that the
one who is behind the makeup
is happy
and it is rather exhausting to exploit one's self
to keep up the image
of smiles,
perfect eyebrows,
and eyelashes that curled just right
oh, it's a tricky and weakening process
the damned cheshire cat taunts me in the distance
i wish that i was as happy as i claim
i wish that the filtered me was the actual me
but alas
it will never be.
and i ask myself
do i struggle as hamlet does?
to be or not to be?
what a problematic and delicate question
probe it gently and it'll cause a ripple
a ripple like no other
one ripple that'll cause the water to flow
flow free from the pot
to the cold tiles of the floor
it's a trap, that's what i tell myself
i'm trapped
and i wish i wasn't
but i put on a show
with every stroke of mascara
and every brush that contorts,
alters, and ultimately disguises
who i am
i'm a trapped and controlled individual
and though my profile screams
that i have never been fucking happier
it seems that as of lately
that could only be slightly true
maybe i wish for the ones around me
to see that of me
i care too much
i do not deserve to be trapped,
moved about,
and vituperated
they will not drive me six feet under
i am not selfish nor am i crude
i am simply another individual
yet i am one so unique
that flowers bloom as i walk
and die as i leave
yet, the confidence that i have,
so tactfully built up,
seems to be breaking
with every rock thrown cracking
the very structure of my already shattering castle
the castle that guards my heart and soul
i am a contradicting one
there is no doubt
but that is exactly who i am
how could there be another word?
there is none that describes
the exhaustion, yet achingly painful joy,
that erupts and controls me
i am tired