I Could Change
I could change when school begins,
I could change the length of day,
I could change static’s attraction,
I could change the color of the sky,
I could change all these things,
If I could change anything,
But would it really matter?
Would it truly matter?
I could change the shade of blue,
With which the water beams,
I could change the dark,
Within demons lie,
I could change the smell,
Of nail polish,
I could change all these things,
If I could change anything,
But would it really matter?
Would it truly matter?
I could change the innocence,
With which bunnies hop,
I could change the properties of metal,
To bend and shatter at will,
I could change the fuzz,
That lays upon my pillow,
I could change all these things,
If I could change anything,
But would it really matter?
Would it truly matter?
I could change the fear,
With which a child sleeps each night,
I could change the life,
Of a million hopeless,
I could change the dreams,
Of a thousand young men,
I could change all these things,
If I could change anything,
But would it really matter?
Would it truly matter?
I could change the world,
Advocate peace and brotherhood,
I could heal a million people,
Give them one more chance,
I could teach twenty children to read,
And let them prosper for a lifetime,
I could do all these things,
If I could do anything,
But would it really matter?
Would it truly matter?
I could wipe the tears,
From a scared child’s cheek,
I could create a vaccine,
That would save a million lives,
I could teach twenty children to read,
And let them prosper for a lifetime,
I could change the world,
Through peace and brotherhood,
I could do all these things,
If I could do what I can today,
And it would really matter,
It would truly matter,
Because it is not,
The drastic and unexpected,
That matter in the world of ours,
But the patient and the caring,
Who work each and every day,
To change the world we live in,
To change the world for the better,
For the betterment of all mankind,
Because it is those people,
The ones who work each and every day,
To calm the fears of the scared child,
To give children the gift of literacy,
To create medicines that last a lifetime,
To spread kindness,
That really matter,
That truly matter,
That change the world,
In a way no one else can,
They are the heroes,
Who can change anything,
And it is what I would change,
If I could change anything,
I would show the world,
Who we can truly be,
If we bring ourselves together,
And work for one goal:
Changing the world.